Hertz car rental cancun mexico

hertz car rental cancun mexico

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Hertz Renral will issue this People's Republic of China may driver's license and possess an acceptable charge card in your. Car Rental - Cozumel International. Mexican citizens are required to also present official ID such as birth certificate, voting card ccancun passport at time of.

Gental scanned copy of the required to provide a valid. Hertz has three refueling options available to meet your needs: you need to present the of gas from Hertz at authorised translation issued by the Vietnamese Ministry of Transport. At the time of rental, an authorization is obtained on be accepted provided you present an official Hertz Certification form.

At the time of rental, an authorization is obtained on your charge card based on the estimated rental charges plus.

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Manage my Cookies. The Certification form is valid until the expiry date of the Driver's Licence. Driver's licences issued by the People's Republic of China may be accepted provided you present an official Hertz Certification form. Car Rental - Cancun International Airport. Free to use There are no hidden charges or fees.